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Choosing a theme

Choosing the theme for your party can be a bit stressful. However, it needs to be one of the very first steps in organizing the event. It helps to select venue, colour pallet, decorative items and sometimes even the time it’s happening. We’ve made a list of guidelines to make this task less complicated. – Take the age into consideration…

Selecting the venue

Depending on what your event is, choosing the venue might be one of the most time-consuming tasks on your to-do list. You already know you should consider the location, cleanliness and comfort. Still, a lot of hosts forget to consider their budget and that should be the first criteria for your decision. You should also ponder: Accessibility: Is there any…

How much food to serve

Everyone who loves hosting events also loves serving an abundance of food, however, hates wasting. Agree? So how do you define menu and food quantities? To satisfy all your guests and avoid delicious food ending up in the bin, check these basic quantities recommended by specialists: It’s wise to have 6 sweets (cupcakes, truffles etc) and one slice of cake…